Hey there, fellow gamers! We are back here with another interesting news article from the Elden Ring series. For a long time, players in Elden Ring have learned that there are secret walls in the game that connect to other locations. And so, apparently, a secret wall in Eden Ring has been discovered.
A recent discovery, however, takes this to ludicrous new heights. In Volcano Manor, a player uncovered a wall that only disappears after 50 hits.
User teristam discovered a seemingly unobtrusive wall in Volcano Manor on Reddit. He quickly discovered, however, that if the wall is hit 50 times, the wall disappears, revealing a room. This room pertains to Rya and Knight Bernhal, and it may be easily entered by following the typical path.
Volcano Manor’s walls do not act like the other breakable walls in the game, according to Polygon. When a wall cracks, a sound cue generally plays, although it didn’t in the case of Volcano Manor.

Additionally, if the players choose to rest at a Site of Grace, these barriers will revive. The purpose of this secret wall in Elden Ring is unknown, however, it could have been erected to isolate the room from the hallway going up because it holds monsters and fighting is banned within the room.
This new discovery suggests that, in addition to the existing false wall feature, there may be other regions in the game with such walls. As a result, gamers will disperse across the Lands Between once more to test if this is the case.
Elden Ring received a fresh patch yesterday from FromSoftware that corrected certain bugs, extended quest phases, and introduced a new NPC. Various weapons and abilities were also nerfed and strengthened.
Check It Out: Elden Ring Update Version 1.03 Patch Notes