Cookie clicker is one of the most enjoyed games in the gaming community. With much patience and planned gridding, you can easily make a mass number of cookies in a few days or in hours if u play non-stop. On the other hand, we see that many players are not in gridding and are looking for some quick fun and testing out the limits of the game. So if you are among those players then our list of cheats for cookie clicker will help you…
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Cookie clickers cheat list…
- Game. Earn(number)
- Game.cookies=infinity;
- Game.cookies=number
- Game.cookiesPs=number
- Game.lumps=number
- Game.RuinTheFun();
All Cookie Clicker Cheat & Cheat Codes
Here are all the cookie clicker cheat and cheat codes :
- Description Cookie Clicker Cheat Code
- Add cookies to your current cookies supply Game.cookies=Game cookies + <cookie amount>;
- Ascend Game.Ascend(1);
- Build Ascend Tree Game.buildAscendTree();
- Calculate Gains Game.CalculateGains();
- Change Ascend Timer Game.AscendTimer=<time>;
- To change Mouse Pointer Game.mousePointer=0;
- Change your milk Game.Milk=<amount>;
- Change Your Milk Progress Game.milkProgress = <milk amount>;
- Change your mouse cookies per second Game.computedMouseCps=<mouse cookies per second amount>;
- Change Your X# Buy Amount Game.buyBulk=<1/10/100>;
- Check if user has achievements Game.Has(‘<achievement name>’);
- Compute mouse Cps Game.computedMouseCps;
- Debug prestige Game.DebuggingPrestige=false
- Debug upgrades Cps Game.DebugUpgradesCps();
- Get +10 Lumps Game.gainLumps(<amount of lumps>);
- Get 1k Cookies Game.Cookies/=1000;Game.cookiesEarned/=1000;
Also Checkout:- Hacks for Cookie Clickers
- Get all debugs Game.GetAllDebugs();
- Get all Upgrades Game.SetAllUpgrades(1);
- Hard Reset Game Game.HardReset(2);
- Load local save Game.LoadSave(local);
- Load save game Game.loadsave();
- Max Specials Game.MaxSpecial();
- Refresh Bakery name Game.bakeryNameRefresh();
- Remove All shimmers Game.killShimmers();
- Remove Game popup Notification Game.popups=0;
- Reset Game Game.sesameReset():
- Reset X# Buy amount Game.buyBulk=Game.BuyBulkOld;
- Ruin the fun (Unlock everything) Game.RuinTheFun(1);
- Save Save Game.localStorageGet(Game.SaveTo);
- Sesame on/off Game.sesame=0;
Also Checkout:- Cookie Clicker Cheats, Codes and Hacks (2022)
- Set Dragon Level Game.dragonLevel=<level>;
- Set Santa Level Game.santaLevel=<level>;
- Set Your Bakery Name Game.bakeryName=“<bakery name>”;
- Set Your Cookie Count Game.Earn (<cookie amount>);
- Set your Cookies per second Game.cookiesPs=<cookies per second amount>;
- Track Milk Timer Timer.track(‘Milk’);
- Turn on Debug Timers/off Game.debugTimersOn=0;
- Unlock Achievement Game.Achievement[‘<Achievement name>’].won=1;
- To Unlock All Achievements Game.SetAlAchievs(1);
- Unlock an Achievement Game.Win(‘<achievement name>’);
- Update Particles Game.particlesUpdate();
All these cheats and codes are compiled for the community by good people. That’s everything you need to know about how to use Cookie Clicker cheats & codes. Try out these cheats for cookie clicker and let us know your suggestions in the comments down below.
Happy Gaming! 🙂