Hello, gamers and welcome back to another blog! Today we will be discussing Springtide Advent Guide (Theater Mechanicus Stage 4) in Genshin Impact. Let’s get straight into it! The Springtide Advent in Genshin Impact, also known as the Theater Mechanicus Stage 4 is a challenge that if you complete with a perfect score of 3000, yields you multiple rewards.
Upon completing the Day 4 Challenge with the perfect score you are rewarded stuff such as 2 Hero’s Wit, 4 Elegance, 6 Mystic Enhancement Ore, and 40000 Mora to name a few. Even if you are not able to get the best score, there are plenty of amazing rewards you receive just for completing the challenge.
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A Guide To Springtide Advent
In order to begin, we need to go to the Dream Pavillion. Keep in mind that you will be having a time limit of 1:50 sec. In this blog, we will be telling you the simplest and easiest way to clear this stage. You need to pick up the following sticks:
- Hydro Blue
- Gray
- Two Gray
- Cryo Orange
- Electro Second Blue
- Gray
Once you have collected all of the above-mentioned sticks, remove 4 prebuilt towers before you start the wave. You need to replace the electro tower which can be located near the destination portal with hydro tower. Construct cryo tower across and beside the hydro tower. Construct two electro and one cryo tower in front of the destination portal. Then construct one hydro and two cryo towers in the front. Once done, you can check the overview of the placement of towers. Now you can start the wave and end the construction phase. This was applicable for the show of force section.
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The Horde
Now let’s move to Horde. As before pick up all the necessary sticks mentioned below:
- All Hydro
- All Cryo
- Second Electro
- No.4 Mystic
Once you have picked up all the required sticks you need to pick up one pyro character which is capable of dealing pyro damage and can break the cryo shield of the enemy. Amber is suggested to be the best in this situation. You can try other combinations too and let us know the results in the comments below.
Before starting the wave, remove 3 prebuilt towers which will be right in front of you. Once done replace the electro tower with the cryo tower. Construct two hydro towers one across and one beside the cryo tower. One important thing to note in the case of cryo tower is to place them at an interval of 8 seconds which will make the ice mist of the cryo tower to be active all the time. Construct 2 hydro towers in front of three cryo towers. Once the setup is ready start the wave until the remaining enemy count is left till 49.

Use Amber to break the cryo abyss mage shield. There will be a total of two shields which you will have to break. Continue the wave until the enemy count is left to 4. Nearly in the end there will be a frost lawachurl coming from the lower platform at the right. Use Amber to break its cryo shield with pyro attack. Once the shield is broken wait for the enemies to die and violaa you have completed the Horde.
So guys that was all for today’s guide on Springtide Advent in Genshin Impact. Make sure to comment your feedback in the comments below as it keeps us motivated to bring new gaming blogs for you guys.
Happy Gaming! 🙂