Hey there, fellow gamers! Welcome back to another interesting read from the Elden Ring series. Today, we are discussing how you can get the Albinauric Mask in Elden Ring along with locations where it can be found! We know you all have been loving the game and we have been loving helping you get ahead. So here we are.
The Albinauric Mask is a helmet created from the head of a Second Generation Albinauric, a race of beings that seem like a hybrid between a frog and a silver alien. The mask’s glaring eyes pierced both the wearer’s and adversaries’ souls, enhancing the Arcane Bleed stat but lowering the HP regained from the Flask of Crimson Tears. The Albinauric Mask has been declared a MUST-HAVE item for “Foul Tarnished in pursuit of the Elden Bling” by fashionable adventurers in the community.
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Albinauric Mask Is Available At The Following Locations:
Exit the church doors and go down the short incline to the right after resting at the Grace Site. Traverse through the rooftops to the tower, which houses the Imp Seal Statue. After that, travel south towards the Guest Hall by descending the stairway. Take the right-hand side walkway instead of approaching through the main door. Elden Ring’s Volcano Manor should have a ladder leading to the roof in the left corner.
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Work your way to the back end of the rooftop after moving up the ladder and gently step onto the narrow balcony below. On the left, Tarnished will discover a door to the Guest Hall’s hidden second floor. The Albinauric Mask is on a guillotine-strewn body inside. The Albinauric Staff can also be looted from this body by Elden Ring followers.While the staff’s stats aren’t particularly impressive, they can help Thorn Sorceries accelerate the status effect accumulation. A dual-wielding Omenkiller guards the Guest Hall’s hidden room, and it has a chance to drop the Great Omenkiller Cleaver weapon in the Elden Ring.

How Can you get the Elden Ring of the Albinauric Mask?
- To find out where Grace is, go to the Volcano Manor.
- Then proceed to the hall on the west side.
- Continue straight till you reach your destination. It’s an imaginary wall that allows you to see a particular area.
- Here, make a left-right and proceed straight.
- Stick to the steps.
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- When you reach the finish, crouch down and walk straight until you go to another area.
- Turn left and walk up the steps to the Prison Town Church, located in the Grace of God.
- Take a trip outdoors, then turn left and continue down. The rooftops will be seen.
- Continue to walk across these roofs in a straight path. The path you should pursue should be westward.
- Then climb the stairs to the top and turn left to the south. Maintain your composure. There will be an animal guard, which you may ignore.
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- You might wish to visit Grace’s guest hall if you’re in the area. If that’s the case, either keep going or move on to the next stage.
- After leaving the snake guard, jump over the balcony and onto the roof. Take a trip south.
- On the right side, there is an unlocked door. Enter.
- Continue to the south on the left.
- Then take the right-hand stairs.
- It would help if you turned left once you’ve reached the bottom. Your heading should be in the direction of the west.
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- Once you’ve arrived, you’ll need to take two steps to get to Grace’s guest hall.
- As soon as the snake guard is removed, enter the area and ascend the ladders to the roof.
- There is a vacancy here. Drop or leap onto the platform underneath you.
- On your left, there is an open door to the hotel. You’ll notice the Albinauric Mask and Staff when you get to the bed.
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And with that we have discussed how you can get the Albinauric Mask in Elden Ring along with its location. Hope you found this article helpful. Share your thoughts and suggestions with us in the comments down below. Until next time.
Happy Gaming! 🙂