Hello, gamers and welcome back to another blog. In this blog, we will be learning Where to Buy Arrows in Elden Ring and also we will learn how to craft them. But before that, we have some easter eggs for you. As you know that we have been following the Elden Ring topic for quite a while now so we decided to tell you guys about some tips and tricks of the game. Especially if you are a new player and a first-time visitor to this blog this will help you a lot. So let’s begin!!
Elden Ring is a game that heavily rewards exploration so make sure that you don’t leave any location unchecked. Some general tips are Stonesword key gate. These gates require a stone sword key and there are many of these around so make sure to purchase any you see from vendors. Caves and tunnels usually have special equipment and you will find that most lifts have midway drop-off points that will guide you to some special equipment.
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Whenever you see a tunnel make sure you go in and gather as many upgrade materials as are available. The game does not give you any firm guidance on what to do and where to go you will get hints from NPC dialogues and audio descriptions so this is where you need to focus to plan your progression.

We have sorted a list of merchants who sell bows in exchange for 20 ruins each which is quite expensive. It is advised to focus on the cultivation of the ruins.
List Of Merchants To Buy Arrows:
- Merchant Kale in Church of Elleh (Western Limgrave) – Cost 20 Runes
- Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold – Cost Kale’s Bell Bearing
- Isolated Merchant at Weeping Peninsula (East and West) – Cost 20 Runes
- Hermit Merchant in Hermit Merchant’s Shack – Cost 20 Runes
- Nomadic Merchant in Siofra River – Cost 20 Runes
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- Nomadic Merchant in Mt. Gelmir – Cost 20 Runes
- Mobile Merchant in Coastal Cave (South East) – Cost 20 Runes
- Nomadic Merchant in Limgrave (East and North) – Cost 20 Runes
- Nomadic Merchant in Liurnia of the Lakes – Cost 20 Runes
- Nomadic Merchant in Caelid (South) – Cost 20 Runes
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You can visit these locations and Buy Arrows in Elden Ring. So that is all for today’s blog gamers. Do let us know your feedback in the comments below as your feedback keeps us motivated for writing new blogs. Until next time.
Happy Gaming! 🙂