Hello fellow gamers and welcome to another blog. In today’s blog, we will be discussing the Beginners Guide of the Samurai Class in Elden Ring. We have posted a lot of unique content on Elden Ring and you guys have shared some great responses on the same. So we hope you will like this one too. We are discussing the samurai class today and it is a very good class for new players. If you have just started Elden Ring for the first time then make sure to stick till the end.
About The Samurai Class
The Samurai is a very well-rounded character and it has a good range it uses a longbow and uchigatana. It also has decent armor and moving ability. During Character creation, if it is the first time that you will be doing it then it is highly recommended that you take the Golden Seed as it will give you one extra healing. The first thing in the Samurai is that you will be a little short on arrows so you will have to craft some or buy some. Its always recommended that you craft them which can be done at the Church of Elleh.

How To Play The Samurai
Playing the Samurai Class in Elden Ring is to determine when to use the bow and when to use the uchigatana. If you are approaching the pack of enemies you should not go in with the uchigatana when you can take them out with the bows. Remember that you can actually use the ability of the bow in order to deal significant damage for a little bit of FP. Another good opportunity for the bow is when you are just starting the boss fight and there is a good amount of distance between you and the enemy. You can pick them off or hit them several times with the bow to soften them up.
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Moving to the Uchigatana, this weapon has a fantastic move set if you are familiar with the Souls game, we don’t need to explain but this weapon has a fantastic charging r2 attack. You basically sprint forward and hit r2 and then you slide and pull. It has really long range, enemies tend to wind up when they see you and this hits them instantly and interrupts them usually preventing you from taking damage. Additionally, the uchigatana has the auxiliary effect which causes bleed build-up on the enemy and each enemy has its own bleed resistance. Not all weapons in the game have an auxiliary effect which makes the uchigatana particularly good. This build works really well on the horseback.
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Tips About The Samurai Class
There are some general tips with this built. Some enemies and the bosses are uber aggressive and you tend to spend a lot of time rolling back and forth and then using unsheath to quickly close the distance and hit them and roll away. Some enemies are really defensive and you need to take the fight to them. This means you can either range them with your bow and make them come at you or you need to close the distance to them. So you need to learn which style you have to pick according to your enemy.
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One more thing is that you can actually get arrows to craft a little bit later on not too far into the game 4 to 6 hrs in the game that actually do bleed build up like your uchigatana. You can use the regular arrows to pick off enemies from a distance and you can also use the bleed arrows when you fight bosses. The other thing is that you make sure to upgrade these weapons at the Smithing Station. Smithing Stone Shards are available all over the map.
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So gamers that was all for today’s blog and we hope you like it. Please leave your feedback in the comments below as it keeps us motivated in bringing new blogs for you guys. Until next time.
Happy Gaming! 🙂