Hey there, fellow gamers! Welcome back to another Elden Ring read. Today, we are discussing Where to Activate Rykard’s Great Rune in Elden Ring. Elden Ring is riddled with mysteries that have yet to be solved. The Great Runes are one of the more exciting game components that new players sometimes miss. These power nuggets may make or break builds, and once triggered, they’re all tremendously potent. Isn’t that, though, where the problem lies? Great Runes were started when they were discovered early on. His Rune has not activated anywhere near Mt. Gelmir in the event of later bosses like Praetor Rykard, The Lord Of Blasphemy, and Devourer Of Gods. So, how do you turn it on?
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What’s The Best Way To Beat Rykard?
Here are the top strategies for defeating Rykard, Lord Of Blasphemy
- Use the Serpent-Hunter Great Spear and the Great-Serpent Hunt skill to hunt serpents.
- Stay out of the God-Devouring Serpent’s poison’s reach.
- Avoid damage from the Serpent’s shockwave assault by using a talent.
- For a much easier time defeating Rykard, use the Mimic Tear.
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How Do I Activate Rykard’s Great Rune?
You’ll get Rykard’s Great Rune after defeating the God-Devouring Serpent and Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy. However, just because you have, it does not mean you are entitled to utilize it right now. It would help to repair Rykard’s Great Rune in a precise area before using it. The Divine Tower of West Atlus, which may be reached via the Sealed Tunnel Site of Grace, is this place.

The descent can be tricky. Follow the trail on the left until you reach the elevator from the Sealed Tunnel Site of Grace. Take the elevator down to the second branch and proceed forward through the door. Continue to the bottom of the pit with the large units. Continue across the main room to the outside and the next tower once you’ve safely reached the bottom. Once you’ve arrived at West Atlus’ Divine Tower, take the elevator to the top and turn right after the Site of Grace. You can restore Rykard’s Great Rune’s power after reaching the top.
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Now equip Rykard’s Great Rune, which has been restored. You can do so using any Grace Site. At any given time, you can only have One Great Rune equipped. You must utilize a Rune Arc to equip any Great Rune. Rune Arcs are uncommon and can be obtained from Rats that assist players in defeating bosses or merchants. You will be affected by the Great Rune’s impact until you die. To reapply, you’ll need to use another Rune Arc.

Purpose Of Rykard’s Great Rune?
Effort. Unlike most Great Runes, Rykard’s Great Rune heals you after each opponent is killed. The sum is also not insignificant. Each adversary will regenerate a massive 185 HP.
This healing also stacks with other types of lifestyles. The Blasphemous Blade, for example, a Boss Weapon obtained from Rykard, heals when it dies. When you put on the Taker’s Cameo, you heal three times when something kills. The endurance is incredible. You might replace all of your healing flasks with FP flasks because they’re so good.
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What Is The Location Of Divine Tower West Altus?
It would help if you first traveled to the Sealed Tunnel to reach the Divine Tower of West Altus. Travel to the Outer Wall Phantom Tree and descend to the lake below the walls of Lyndell to uncover the Sealed Tunnel.
The Sealed Tunnel is located in the lake’s southeast corner. Fighting your way through the dungeon is simple. However, there are some false barriers in the jail, but they are all quite evident and shouldn’t cause too much trouble.
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The Lord of Onyx:
The Onyx Lord, who is a wet wipe at this stage in the game, is the boss of the Sealed Tunnel. You should have run into one of these guys if you’ve spent time exploring the Elden Ring. They’re not too challenging, they don’t have a lot of health, and he’ll fold like a house of cards when you approach late-game power.
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And that was a fully information-dense blog for you on Where To Activate Rykard’s Great Rune in Elden Ring. Hope you found this information helpful. Share your suggestions with us in the comments down below.
Happy Gaming! 🙂