Hey there, fellow gamers! Today, we are here to help you choose the right class to begin your Elden Ring journey with our article on Elden Ring Best Starting Class.
When you are about to start playing Elden Ring, you have to select your character’s origin – in other words, the character class you’ll be playing for the remainder of the game.
Elden Ring does not remove any content from your playthrough based on your origin, with your character’s initial attributes and items being determined by the origin you choose, rather than their talents during the game.
However, your choice of which of the classes, to begin with, is critical, as the origin of your character will impact your experience during the game’s initial few hours.
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Down below is a complete guide to Elden Ring best starting class to help kickstart your journey in the game. The classes are mentioned in no specific order.
Introduction to Elden Ring Classes
If this is your first Soulsborne release, you are not alone: the huge expectation surrounding Elden Ring has drawn a big number of gamers who have never touched a FromSoft title before.
Of course, no one has it easy in the Lands Between, but beginners may benefit from starting with a strong, balanced character, such as those found in the classes mentioned below.
1. Confessor

If you’re looking for a well-balanced beginner‘s lesson, the Confessor is your best bet. The Confessor has the greatest initial level of any origin and a decent shield, which is advantageous if you’re new to FromSoft combat.
The Confessor has access to magic and is quite adept at hand-to-hand fighting, which means that you’ll never find yourself in a predicament that you can’t (theoretically, at least) escape with that combination of abilities.
A typical “jack-of-all-trades, master of none,” which seems like a very accurate description: you begin with no obvious specializations, but also no obvious gaps in your build.
2. Warrior

Because the Warrior has the highest Dexterity stat of any class, if you’re confident in your combat abilities but unsure of your defensive abilities, this is a good origin to start with.
Warriors have strong stats in all categories except Faith and Arcane, which are undoubtedly their weak points; as a result, if you just play Elden Ring once, you risk missing out on the majority of the game’s strongest magical abilities.
The Warrior, on the other hand, is a must-try if you’re looking for a quick combatant to help you get your eye in.
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3. Hero

The Hero has the greatest strength stat of any class. Personally, people have never felt safer in a game than when commanding a tank, and the Hero is the closest equivalent Elden Ring has to offer (though the Samurai isn’t a bad bet either).
The Hero enters prepared to battle their opponents without regard for their exfil plan, which may not assist you in mastering the complex dance of Soulsborne battle, but may leave you less susceptible in the short term.
On the other hand, they possess even less magical ability than the Warrior, and their lack of dexterity makes obtaining many of the Vagabond’s items difficult.
4. Vagabond

The Vagabond begins with a balanced, physically oriented stat configuration that is easily adaptable to any melee specialization.
Though they begin with the highest starting Vigor, the Vagabond has a few disadvantages: their armor overburdens them slightly, so you’ll probably want to unequip one or two pieces to allow them to dodge effectively; and their Intelligence, Faith, and Arcane weaknesses mean they begin with no inherent ability to perform magic.
However, with some preparation and prudent stat point investment, you should be able to overcome their weaknesses early in the game, at which point you can begin customizing them to your liking.
For instance, by investing their initial few points in one of their mental traits, a Vagabond can swiftly develop into a “spellsword” specialist, similar to the Prisoner, but with less onerous starting conditions.
5. Samurai

While the Samurai’s starting stats aren’t great, they are well-balanced and, for what it’s worth, have the highest starting Endurance of any class.
They are one of only two ranged combat experts, along with the Bandit, which presents a unique and enjoyable challenge, but fear not; they also come equipped with a katana, which they can proudly wield for some devastating melee assaults.
This unique skill, combined with their Endurance and Dexterity prowess, gives them the only class in the game capable of switching changing their fighting range on the fly (although that does come at the expense of them being slightly squishy).
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6. Prisoner

The Prisoner, despite their low starting level, can leverage their dual specialization in Intelligence and Dexterity to scale their sorcery and swordsmanship to devastating effect.
The Prisoner, nicknamed a “late bloomer,” challenges you to endure through some difficult early game encounters in exchange for some amazing fun later in the game when you get superior weapons and spells that maximize their attributes.
Again, while this is not the optimal starting position for a first playing, it is ideal for seeing everything the game has to offer on subsequent plays.
7. Bandit

Consider the Bandit if you’re looking for a stealthy challenge with a ranged combat build. There is much overlap with the Samurai, the other archer class; nevertheless, the Samurai is eager to engage in a fight with their katana, whilst the Bandit tries to avoid conflict altogether.
Elden Ring is designed in such a way that you can avoid confrontation to a surprising degree; except mandatory boss fights, you can almost always grab what you want and sneak away rather than engage in combat.
Additionally, the Bandit’s mission is supported by having the greatest base Arcane stat, which offers them the highest Item Discovery rate.
Most players are unlikely to attempt this on their first playthrough, especially with the game’s arguably central focus on combat; nevertheless, on subsequent replays, attempting the Bandit can bring an entirely different perspective on the game.
8. Wretch

The Wretch will be familiar to those who have played Dark Souls’ Deprived class (or Bloodborne’s comparable Waste of Skin class). The Wretch begins the game without armor and is armed only with a simple club. He possesses a perfect ten in every stat and begins at level one.
This class is designed for players who have already beaten the game at least once. The severe disadvantages at the start are offset by the fact that you can eventually customize your Wretch build to include almost anything you want.
It’s a sandbox, creative origin for you to experiment with, but it’s really only useful if you’ve mastered the fundamentals without becoming flattened.
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9. Prophet

The Prophet is a Faith-based character who focuses on offensive and defensive incantations. This class has the least Endurance, Intelligence, and Dexterity.
But it provides 16 Faith and 14 Mind, allowing players to start with the Catch Flame and Heal incantations. Incantation Catch Flame is a good place to start.
This class has minimal physical resistance but is versatile on the ground and on horseback thanks to the Prophet set, Rickety Shield, Short Spear, and Finger Seal.
10. Astrologer

The Astrologer is an Intelligence-based class that allows players to participate in magic-based combat early in the game. It begins with the highest Intelligence basic stat of any class, at 16.
This is the frailest starting class, with the lowest physical stats. It comes with a Shortsword, Astrologer’s Staff, Scripture Wooden Shield, and Astrologer gown set.
Players need still be cautious owing to the Astrologer’s tiny health pool when using the Glintstone Pebble and Arc from a distance as their major damage outputs. Those interested in sorcery should begin with the Astrologer and work their way up through the Intelligence levels.
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All the above-mentioned classes are great and we leave it up to you entirely to choose the class that suits your interests the most. However, we do have a few suggestions just to give you a little push to kickstart your play.
If you are looking for melee combat, we suggest that the Elden Ring best class would be the Vagabond. For magic, you should definitely begin with the Astrologer and, for a simple hybrid beginner origin, we suggest you choose The Confessor.
So, this was an elaborate guide on all classes for you to have a clear idea of which origin you can begin with to create your own Elden Ring best starting class.
Hope you found this information-dense article helpful. Share your feedback with us in the comments down below.
Happy Gaming! 🙂