Hello, Gamers! Hope you all are doing well and enjoying our informative articles on Elden Ring as much as you enjoy the game itself! In this article, we are discussing How to Make Spells Stronger in Elden Ring. Spells and incantations are a big part of the game, that you already know! But what’s worth knowing is how you can make these incantations stronger to take you ahead in the game smoothly.
As you know that there are numerous magic spells in Elden Ring that you can use. Enhancing the incantation will require faith and upgrading sorceries which will need points of the attribute of intelligence. Most of the time, merely upgrades are not sufficient to enhance the damage to the enemy. Let’s completely understand how to Make Spells Stronger in the Elden Ring?
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Making Spells Stronger
Let’s go and first see how to make incantations strong? You will require to upgrade the Sacred Seal, the one which you have equipped in order to make the incantation stronger. For a distinct number of buffs and boosts, you can utilize other Sacred Seals. There are different Sacred Seals that give a boost to different groups. For instance, the Seal of Dragon Communion will boost incantation by 15 percent.
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List Of All Sacred Seals And Incantations They Boost:
- Golden Order: A Boost of 10 percent will be given to the incantations of the Golden order.
- Gravel Stone: Boost of 15 percent to the Dragon Cult incantations.
- Giant’s: Boost of 15 percent to the Fire Monk and Fire Giant incantations.
- Godslayer’s: Boost of 10 percent to the Godslayer’s incantations.
- Clawmark: Boost of 10 percent to the incantations of Bestial.
- Frenzied Flame: Boost of 20 percent to the Frenzied Flame.
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Not only Sacred Seals but many other items can enhance the magic spells. In order to upgrade the spell damage and Sacred Seals, you can also go for SmithingSomber Stones. There are also some other ways to increase the strength of magic spells.

List Of Items That Make Spells Stronger
1. Graven-Mass
Type of Talisman, It upgrades the magic damage by 8 percent. In order to make the damage more strong, mix it with the Grave-School Talisman. The location of this talisman is in a treasure chest at the top of Albinauric Rise to the east of the Consecrated Snowfield.
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2. Terra Magicus
Type of Sorcery, it upgrades the magic damage and creates a zone. If you reside in the zone, it will automatically increase the strength of magic. Give buffs to your allies while playing with multiple people. Location to get the Terra Magicus is in the Academy of Crystal Cave and to the west of Raya Lucaria Academy.
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3. Azur’s Glinstone Crown
Type of Helm, if you are looking for something that will increase the magic damage of all Azur’s Glinstone Crowns and this is it. It will also take 15 percent additional FP cost of all the other magic spells. The location of Azur’s Glinstone Crown is once you finished the questline for Sorceress Sellen, next to the body of Primeval Sorcerer Azur. You can obtain it.
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4. Primal Glinstone Blade
Type of Talisman will decrease the Focus Point Cost for incantations and sorceries. To dig a little deep, Primal Glinstone Blade will not only decrease the cost of FP by 25 percent but also take the percent of health by 15 percent. The location of Primal Glinstone Blade is in the Mountaintops of the Giants in a Chest at Ruins of Stargazer. You will need to use Jellyfish Spirit Ashes to unseal the entrance as it will be blocked with magic.
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5. Magic Shrouding Cracked Tear
Type of Crystal Tear, you can mix it in the wondrous Physick Flask. Once you utilize it, it will increase the attacks and magic spells by 20 percent. Location to get it in the northeast of Liurnia under the Erdtree(Minor). Once you get there, you need to defeat the Avatar of Erdtree. Get your hands on it and then take a rest at a site of Grace to combine the mixture of Magic Shrouding Cracked Tear in a wondrous Physick Flask.
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And that is all the information you needed to know about How to Make Spells Stronger in Elden Ring! Hope you found this helpful. Go ahead, make your incantations stronger and better and knock those enemies off!
Happy Gaming! 🙂